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Birth - 13 Weeks

Evaluation for Oral Ties and Airway Health



With Dr. Tara


Ages 7 to adult

Zoom consultation to evaluate for tongue tie and related issues, and to create a plan of action for the patient.


With Sarah, SLP



Myofunctional Therapy

Improve the function of the muscles of the mouth and face.


With Sarah, SLP

prices vary

3 Months - 2 Years

Evaluation for Oral Ties and Airway Health



With Dr. Tara


Massage Therapy

30 minute session for infants and children.





With Jennifer, LMT


3 Years - 5 Years

Evaluation for Oral Ties, Airway Health, and Jaw Growth and Development


With Dr. Tara


Lactation Consulting

90 minute session to help with latching, supply issues, pumping, and bottle feeding.



With Alura, IBCLC


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