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Please use the form below or call to schedule an appointment with any of our providers!


Call or Text: 702-518-3368



6348 S Rainbow Blvd #110

Las Vegas, NV 89118


Normal Hours: 

M/W 9-5

F 9-3

T/Th by appointment

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Please fill out the appointment request form below to schedule an appointment.​

If you need to cancel or reschedule, we require 24 hours notice. Last minute changes will incur a $50 fee.

Request an Appointment
Main Concerns, check all that apply
How should we contact you?
Does the patient have a current speech, feeding, or myofunctional therapist?
Does the patient have NV Medicaid?

Form submitted! We will get back to you by the next working day. To expedite scheduling, feel free to text or call 702-518-3368 and let us know that you have submitted an appointment request.

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